Angling Ireland Show
Kings Hall, Belfast, N. Ireland      March 14-15, 2009

A.P.G.A.I.(Ireland) carried off a fantastic show at the Belfast angling show on the 14th. March at the Kings Hall in Belfast.
With the guest casting demonstrator Hywel Morgan not being able to attend the show, it was left to the A.P.G.A.I. instructors to provide the main entertainment on
the casting pool, which proved to be the biggest crowd puller of the day. Joe Stitt stepped in to provide the commentary as each instructor performed their expert casting abilities. Joe's witty commentary whilst casting spell bound the audience as he went through the different types of casting and techniques that he has mastered over the years.
Pat Mulholland gave a demonstration on casting the Silver Creek double Salmon rod, and amazing the audience as he placed the full line out with such ease and showing the public why these masters of casting are called professional instructors. Lawrence Hawley managing Director of Ultimate Fishing Supplies is seen presenting Joe Stitt, Pat Mulholland and Pat Hughes with Silver Creek Salmon and Trout rods  to be used for future work shops and tuition. Joe would like to thank Lawrence for his kind sponsorship
to A.P.G.A.I. Lawrence Finney A.P.G.A.I. fly dressing instructor who organised the sponsorship for A.P.G.A.I. is seen presenting Lawrence Hawley with framed Irish Lough flies as a token of their thanks.
Fly casting demonstrations and tuition were carried out by :    Joe Stitt, Pat Hughes, Sean Melody and Pat Mulholland. Commentary was carried out by Stevie Munn.